Thursday, December 3, 2020

2020 Bullet Journal: We were so optimistic

 I pulled the highlights of my journaling over the past year to share here. I thought it would be cooler to show you the end results of some of the trackers since they're prettier filled in and complete. 

2020 Layout













2020 or "How I learned to lean into my art in this dumpster fire of a year"

In my previous post (from over a year ago, holy crap, sorry) I was working on my Amanda painting. Well, I f'ed with it because the coloring was off. It *just wasn't right* and it still sits after 5 adjustments, waiting for another round or for me to start over because it isn't ready until I say it is, dammit.

Meanwhile as I mumbled and swore under and over my breathe working on that, I decided to just tool around and work on some side projects. 

Here's a taste of what I've been up to in various stages throughout the year. A bit O this, a bit O that; mini 3in x 3in canvas to 36in x 24in canvas and in between.

Saturday, March 23, 2019

Amanda Field-Piper

I'll have more to say later on the subject. For now, we continue to mourn, not dwell on things that can't change and remember the good times.


Base Layer

Iceland Series

Icelandic Series

Palette Knife Painting

Friday, November 2, 2018

Some New Projects

Things I've been working on over the past few months:

So my BFF asks, how small can you paint? I usually don't like to do smaller than 10" x 10", but it's my BFF. I of course ask, what do you need?

She finds these wee lil 3" x 3" canvases that come with their own stinkin' cute easel. (seriously they are adorable) She buys a case of 14 of them and says I can use the rest for whatever. Have I mentioned my BFF is awesome and probably my biggest supporter (who isn't direct family) when it comes to me and my art.

It's an anniversary gift for her hubby and I give it a crack. After 3 attempts, I come up with this:

I personally think it's crap, because me. She loves it, I don't care and decide to do a watercolor version. 

Oh, that is so much better. Admittedly, they did arrive past their due date, but I was at least satisfied with one and she got 2 for the price of 1 😁

A bit later I decided to finally try and attempt to do another Oil with Pallet Knives, only not abstract, but something real. I still have mixed feeling and want to go back in and touch up some parts but for now, as a first attempt; I'll take it. This is Skόgafoss in Iceland without the trail going up the side to get to the top of the falls. 

My next in what will be an Icelandic Series (thanks to Hubby's encouragement 💗) is Kirkjufellsfoss. This is layer #1. I hope to finish it this weekend.