Sunday, October 1, 2017

October 1st, 2017 - Let's make a portfolio, shall we?

After six attempts. YES, six! I am 95% done with Knucklehead, AKA, Syra. Need a bit of drying time for whiskers and tongue. I'm pleased, I hope Sue is as well.

I consulted a fellow artist and reworked a bit of Max's Paw. I think I won't touch it again, even though I'm sure I could keep working on it forever.

I decided to fuck around with more palette knife and had a mountain waterfall in mind. I feel very MEH about it but I keep reminding myself this is a big learning curve for me. Besides, when mini me 1 came in the room and saw it, she asked if it was indeed  a waterfall, so, mission accomplished?

Along the lines of palette knife fun, I wanted one with the way I do abstract color blocks. SO THICK, SO FUN!

Lastly, I've always wanted to do a multi panel painting. I'm not ambitious, so this is only two. It'll be some nice Persicaria affinis Darjeeling Red