Tuesday, April 4, 2017

The painting that will never be

The previous post is of 3 brothers. This was the first draft but the pic I had of them just didn't have enough detail to let me move on to the next step. The good news is that this is on the reverse of the painting and it will always be a part of the painting :)

Sometimes things just don't go your way, c'est la vie

Sunday, April 2, 2017

Back to Watercolor

So, this puppy is so long overdue it's lost its humor. Been a while since I've used watercolor and I know parts are muddled, but overall i'm glad i got her done. Someone donated money in an auction for one of my paintings YEARS ago and I'm finally following through. Needed a proper picture to go off of and let inspiration hit me. 
I hope she's happy with the result. In the meantime, I'm going to work on some smaller pieces to get my groove back with these precocious hues.